
The leadership of the College is supervised by the Board of Directors, the Student Committee and the Study Council. The Board of Directors is controlled by the rector, who also represents the institution in the supervisory board which colligates the jesuit university colleges. The Study Council is in charge of the continous improvement of our educational system and it is composed by prominent intellectuals of the Hungarian elite. The Student Committee provides the role of democratic functioning, as well as actively participates in the operational management of the institution. It is composed by the President and four Vice Presidents, who are anually elected by the students of the college. Each student participates in the work of one of the eight Teams, which are supervised by the Vice Presidents and lead by the Teamleaders, elected by the members of each team.

They are as follow:

  • Marketing Team,
  • Communications Team,
  • Fundraising Team,
  • Recrutation Team,
  • Spiri Team,
  • Team of Internal Affairs,
  • Team of Event Management and
  • Team of Professional Affairs